Friday, April 5, 2019


Major Exam #1 vs. Major Exam #2: What did you do differently the second time around?
There are several things I have done for exam two that I haven't done it for exam number two. One of the things that I have done that helped me a lot,  I have created a test for me when I finished memorizing and after going through everything that has to do with the test, I create about 50 questions on Quizlet from vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, to everything that is written on the test review that will help me prepare for the test and as well to help to get good grades on the test. The second way I have done that I did differently for exam two is I ate breakfast before I go to the test, I usually don't eat breakfast but when I have important tests I have to eat something before I go which are always have helped to remember what I have learned, increased my energy, and lastly to get better score on the test. And the third way I have done that I did not do it on exam one is before I slept and when I woke the first thing I have done is I went through all the review which is helped a lot to prepare for the exam.

What has felt beneficial to you thus far in our semester together?
What I felt that the most that benefit me thus far in our semester together are several things as well, the first thing that learned in this class is I was able to memorize more than I usually do in other classes, for example, when we are having a quiz or test I first do is I translate any word that I don't understand, then understand what is asking and the material as well, and lastly I start to memorize. I used to memorize in my backcountry but in here its always about understanding than memorizing, but in this class, I have to memorize in order to get good grades on the tests and on the quizzes as well. The second way I felt its beneficial is the laps, we get an opportunity to get things done that needs to be done, the people who come from the Writing Center to help us on our blogs are so beneficial to me, as well as others. And lastly the Groundwork For College Reading book, which is helped how to outline an essay and how o build a chart based on the essay.

When you think about your relationships - in and out of the family - how do you see our class discussions making you a better communicator?
When I think about my relationships in and out of my family I see our class discussions making me a better communicator by one main thing, which is by using our vocabulary that has been taught it to us in class with different people, I think using this way will help me to increase my vocabulary. Another thing that helped me to be a better communicator is my writing the blogs each week.

Friday, March 22, 2019


A new week, Monday the day that I've been waiting for since so long finally has arrived,
waking up at 7:00 am wasn't a bad idea so is drinking coffee and headed to the hospital to chase my dreams, it felt great. But eating nothing at all wasn't that best. Getting into the med Surg was my favorite till I fainted, I got into a patient's room with a nurse she gave out medicine and started to explain the surgery that the patient is doing at 4:00 pm that day. I was watching standing by the sink in the room, crossing my feet and watching, till I felt dizzy I started to move a little bit telling myself “what the heck is happening”I got scared for a bit, after 10 seconds or so everything turned black and I couldn't see anything, I sat on the floor and the nurse started to yell and calling on her devise for help. I could see what is going on but at the same time not really. the charge nurse came she asked me for my name and I told her, then they said to bring the wheelchair to take to me to the emergency room, I wanted to tell them I’m okay but I couldn't speak. I got into the emergency room, they plugged the machines, called my teacher, and she called my parents to see what they want to do and said “well come and take her home to rest a bit”, they have arrived and I went home. One of my classmates said that I looked half dead (lol), but it was a lesson learned.

The next day we went to materials management, personally, it was a bit boring, we went to give out supplies to different areas in the hospital, but I learned how it works. My favorite part during our orientations was pre-op, I really liked it for so many reasons, I got to work with a male nurse and I find it more fun to work with male nurses because they have so many crazy stories to tell. I got to work with him was really enjoyable, he showed me how to take temperatures which was the first job someone gave me a job to do during our orientations, and I really enjoyed working by myself, I got to see so many new things and experience more. I got to take temperatures of two little girls, one of them was 9 years old, got her tonsils out and she had to nausea, 4 nurses were watching her for any changes or anything happens, after she woke up I went to take her temperature by myself, her temperature was normal, and the nurse explained what she should not eat and what she should eat the most. And the second little girl was a year old who had problems with her ears, and she had a surgery about it, she woke up after an hour of the surgery and she was okay, I got to take her temperature, but it was a bit hard because she wont stop moving and she was crying and I was by myself in the room, ni nurse or anything me and the kid and her family, I tried the first time but it didn't work, but I tried the second time and it was fine, her temperature also was normal.
My second favorite thing was ICU. I got to see a really sad case which was, a guy named Mr. M, he's 29-year-old, he was born with heart problems and didn't make smart choices in his life, he was smoking, drinking, and drugs. The day that I went, the family came for the first time after releasing he is brain dead and he gets to donate organs if the family would like to, but the only organ he was able to donate was his liver because the other organs have some problems.

And the sad thing was he will be turning 30 on Tuesday the 19th of February the day after my birthday. But he won't see the 30. I wished if they could help him, but his case they couldn't do anything.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


On September 5, 2012 at 11:30 before 30 minutes to turn 13 I sat down creating my bucket list. I decided to first write down the things that I get scared of doing, the first ten things I wrote, is to go to high places, I’m that type of person who don’t like heights. So, in order to face my fears, I wrote what I’m scared of doing, for example, I want to ride a zipline, ride the air balloon, watch the sunset from Grand Canyon National park in Arizona and much more. But those are the ones I really hope to try.
When I was freshman, one of my friends told me that all the seniors will be going field trip to Tejas camp, which is one hour away from college station, this camp or park have water zipline and the one that landed on the other side of the park, I was so excited, because this trip will check off the first thing I wrote on my bucket list. After I got home I opened up my calendar to count how many days, months, and years will be till I be in 12 grade and go to that trip to face one of my fears.
By each year passed my fears increased. As I approached my Junior years I did a little research of the zipline of what could happened, the safety instructions, to always to stay attached, and wearing the right size of helmet to stay safe. I read articles for facing the fears, but I couldn’t imagine it will engorge me to ride the zip line.

Finally, the year that I have been waiting for since three years have been arrived. On April 1 2018 my English teacher Mrs.Zachrey gave each student a paper slip to sign it and to return it to her, I read it and it was saying “SENIOR FILED TRIP TO TEJAS CAMP” I was waiting for this moment for years, I took it to my mom to sign, and she was happy, because I always tell her about this trip. The moment I went to the house after the teacher gave us the paper slip I started to prepare for this trip, I choice what will I be wearing. So, I be more prepared. April 18 is the day of the trip I woke up at 6:30 took a shower wore my clothes and got some snacks ready and I headed to the school parking lot where all the buses are located. My bus number was number 1 since my last name starts with an A, at 8am the buses took off, my emotions were mix between happy, scared, excited, and pinked. We arrived to the camp, the staff explained to us what activates they have, and what we will be doing during our trip, me and my friends took a tour around the park, I saw the student were lining up to ride on the zipline, the moment I saw it I was going to back up and not want to ride it, but my friend engourged me to get out of my fears and go for it, I took a very deep breath before I stand up in the line, while I was standing up in the line I heard a lot of screaming coming from the top of the standing point from this, my heart was beating so fast, but I didn’t gave up and I still want to do it. The man who was responsible of ganging the Helmut gave me and my friend one, we start to climb on the tour to get to the top. I climbed through the top and the staff were preparing us to get to the zipline, they explained what we supposed to hold when we get to the point of landing, after two minutes they called our group to wear the rob around our waist, we got to the point where we are going to jump from, I was so scared it was so high, the man said “when I count till 3 y’all should leap down and go”, when he said three everyone went down expect me, I start to scream and went for it, I was screaming so loud everyone was looking at me. Then they get us a ladder to go down my legs were shaking, and my heart was beating. Even though it was scary experience, but I enjoy it and at the end I faced my fears from Hight. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019


After I read "Library Visit, Then Held at Gunpoint" by Charles M. Blow and " Building Attention Span" by David Brooks, I found that Blow's article is more successful in delivering his thesis statement. Because he used dialog, his paragraph are smaller than Brook's, which engages the reader to read his article. He explained what happened so perfectly and so smoothly to also help the reader to read his article, and lastly, it adds dramatic effects for the article. 

The first reason why Blow's article is more successful is because he used dialog. This dialog (conversation) was between his son and the police. " I got up slowly and continued to walk to my room. I was scared. My legs were shaking slightly, after a few more paces, the officer said. "Hey, my man. Can you step off to the side? I did." in this conversation between Blow's son and the policeman, it states what exactly happened after his son left from the library and got arrested.

The second reason why Blows article is more successful in delivering his thesis statement are his small paragraph, which encourages the reader to read the article, because I think its a higher chance for the reader to finish the article, from the first paragraph to the last one.

By saying it adds a dramatic effect; it means when people read short paragraphs, it encourages them to continue reading for what the next paragraph. for example, in the article " library visit, then Held At Gunpoint" the author(writer) explained what happened with his son when he went to the library. and because he got arrested since he was matching the suspect description, the reader wants to continue reading what the next paragraph will be.

last reason is because he explained what happen so perfectly and smoothly to also helps the reader to read his article, for example when he said "he lest the library around 5:45 P.M to check the status of a book he had requested, the book hadn't arrived yet, but since he was there he put in a request for some multimedia equipment for a project he was working on. Charles had explained this good paraph like he was there seeing what happens. adding those details like the time he had left the library or when he explained his sons feeling while he was arrested gives a higher chance for the reader to read his article.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

BLOG #1 Introducing myself

Blog #1

Hello, everyone, my name is Iman Awawda, I was born and raised in Palestine, in a small village called Deir Debwan, its located 6.4 kilometers, about 4.0 mile from Jerusalem. even though this villegehad 5,252 inhabitations.
But its the place where I left my heart, my family, friend, and memories that
I will never forget. iv spent my childhood in personally if I visttheworldtheresno place like home.
I came to the United States about five years ago, I lived in Calvet, TX for one year then I've moved to College Station in 2015. I graduated from A&M High School in May 2018. now I am a freshman
at Blinn College studingRadilogy and planning to continue my path to get the Bachelor degree at Texas
A&M University.
I realized that I can recall long term memories if they are important and powerful to me. or even if they
are a dramatic experience. a few couple of example of my childhood memories are when my mom was braiding my hair, when my father was theachinghoeto ride the bicycle, and how my grandmother taught me how t do embroidery. most people who had affected my life are my family and my friends.
I have to admit that I have an extremely close family that has played a huge major role n my life, and
shaped to the person who I am today.
I have a lot of friends back home whom I still connect and talk to them every day. no matter the distance
and the time zone is different we still talk and chat with each other. my friends encourage me when I'
not feeling well, and they listen to me when no one else doses. we share the good and the bad things
together, as well as we support each other when either we're down or up. The distance and the time
zone doesn't affect us and that what I like the most about this friendship.
some fun fact about me, I ahevcreatedmy own bucket list that I want to achieve before I die, I'm working
so hard to achieve them. the first one is was the zip line and I have made it in April of last year. it
was so much fun and the also it was so scary. but when I finished it, I wanted to go one more time.
the second one. is one mybucketlistis to run a marathon. fly in a hot air balloon over Cappadocia
Turkey, Camp in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness Oregon, learn how to snowboard, host dinner
in my own house, buy a new fast car. learn new languages such as Turkish, sign language, and
French, and lastly get my bachelor degree at Texas A&M University